
How to Communicate with Your Potential Clients in Each Stage of Their Buying Journey

October 12th, 2015

Everybody talks about a communication centered on client needs. Very few companies manage however, to put theory into practice. Why is this happening? Because it is not enough to adapt our messages to the general needs of our customers but we have to build our messages according to the buying journey they are on. In each stage, potential customers have some specific needs.


“How to Setup Your First Blog” by Sean Ogle

September 30th, 2015

Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge with your potential clients, providing value to them, and increasing the audience to your website. Blogging creates interest for your products and services, generates awareness of your brand and brings more qualified leads into your sales funnel.


Not Quite Getting This Blogging Thing? We Demystify It For You

November 25th, 2014

Did you know that over a third of US companies already use blogs for marketing purposes? Blogging is fast becoming an accepted – and expected – way for businesses to communicate with their customers (or target audience). Mastering it will both strengthen your brand and attract more visitors to your website.

persona marketing define the exact targeted client tooliers business growth v2

Define and talk to the exact targeted client!

August 21st, 2014

A ‘Buyer Persona’ (or ‘Persona’) is a fictional representation of your ideal customer, your exact targeted client. It is based on real data about customer demographics and behavior as well as informed speculation about their personal histories, motivations and concerns.

Social Media is the perfect means for businesses to get exposure and communicate, especially on low budgets. The graphic below demonstrates the increases companies see using Social Media.

Grow Your Business with Social Media

July 17th, 2014

Tooliers has developed an Action Plan to create your perfect profiles on the main social media platforms, write your perfect posts, establish your social media goals and strategy, and ensure you do the right things on social media.


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